This page describes the content and reason for the different file naming conventions used by the SIMPA library.
Path file (*-PATH.txt)
The path file is an input file containing the points on which the profiles will be added later during the step of creating the surface. The path file should be named using the element name and the path file extension e.g. "ELBHZ-PATH.txt".
Field at checkpoints file (*-FIELD-AT-CHECK-POINTS.txt)
The field at checkpoints file is an input file containing the field inside the volume of interest, that is used as a reference in the check-field command to evaluate the field at different points in the checkpoint file.
Field at points file (*-FIELD-AT-POINTS.txt)
The field at points file is an input file containing the field at points outside the volume of interest, that can be generated with the points file in OPERA3D, which is used for setting the field based on the file's data.
Points file (*-POINTS.txt)
The points file is an output file generated by creating an accelerator element with the create-acc-element
command, this file contains the surface points of the tiling around the beam region.
Checkpoints file (*-CHECK-POINTS.txt)
An output file that can be generated on request in the CLI by using the create-checkpoint-file
command. Reading the file in OPERA can be used to get reference values.
Field check file (*-FIELD-CHECK.txt)
The field check file is an output file with checkpoint coordinates and B and A field values inside. The file is generated using the check-field
command and is normally used for comparing the B vectors obtained from CAD EM software at specific points in order to check the solution.
Solution file (*-SOLUTION.txt)
The solution file is an output file that contains all the sources with their calculated strengths. It is named after the element that it represents, for instance, "ELBHZ-SOLUTION.txt". The file is generated with the create-acc-element